Friday 7 November 2014


Should a blog always be a sunny place? An informative place? Or should it accurately reflect the blogger's emotions?

Most blogs these days are promotional vehicles. Pushing oneself forward to get increased media attention for the book one's written, the artwork painted, etc. I have done this myself, mostly. My true emotional posts I saved for a different site, but today I feel the need to be true to myself on this blog.

Today has not been a good day. Truth be told I have been struggling for quite some time. I should have seen the signs (perhaps I did, but ignored them), and prevented myself from getting so low, but it was not to be. So today, it came to a head, and I have fallen into the abyss of depression. I will claw myself back - I always do, but the black dog has got a good grip on me at the moment.

In February a long time friend killed himself, and today should have been his birthday.

The way I lose myself when the black dog bites is usually to write, write, and write some more, but this week there just have been no words. Or rather not enough words anyway! I am hoping that I can get back on track this weekend. I will spend time walking my crazy little dog, and caring for my two horses.

Saturday 1 November 2014


National Novel Writing Month is upon me again. I can't actually believe it is November! I must be getting old, as this year has flown by.

I have decided to participate in NaNo in an effort to up my word count, as lately I have been struggling with motivation.

I will keep you up to date on my word count on a weekly basis, and here's hoping I get to the 50,000 goal, and finish my novella which I hope will be published by Dreamspinner Press. I have already written over 7,000 words before NaNo so will only be counting the ones I do from now on. Wish me luck! :)

I am also working on tidying up a manuscript to submit to Forbidden Publishing, and I am working on a sequel to that too.

Otherwise, after a summer of surgery and hospital stays, I seem busier than ever, with both of my horses now coming into their stables at night. My pooch remains, as ever, my faithful writing companion, and he is currently under a fleece with his head on my feet. I love that little dog so much.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Excellent review for Broken, my novella.

I have been a little absent of late, due to my faithful little writing companion, Norm the terrier, being ill. Thankfully he has made an excellent recovery and as I type I am tickling his tummy with my foot. :)

I also had a week without internet access due to my router suddenly dying and so I was delighted to discover a wonderful review for my novella, Broken, in my inbox.

Five star review for Broken by Raine Norman

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Discounts at Dreamspinner Press!

Why not head over to Dreamspinner Press and check out all the great books and collections? There is 25% off until 23rd March!

Who knows you could even by Broken or Out of Left Field by... me! ;)

Dreamspinner Press

Sunday 16 March 2014

Fun in the sun...

The weather this weekend has been lovely. Warm enough to leave the coat behind for a change and bright and sunny.

On Saturday I had the job of picking up the droppings from my mare's field. I usually have a little machine to help me with this, but the ground is still too wet so it was the wheelbarrow for me this time. Bizarrely, it isn't a job I generally mind doing, but yesterday I took my little dog, The Norm, with me. He is recovering from surgery and seems to back to his crazy old self again.

On Sunday I gave my mare, Mabel, a bath to help get rid of the winter coat she is shedding, and get her looking a little more respectable. She is such a good girl to do, but had roll as soon as I turned her out and so one side is still clean and the other... not so much! LOL!

So, what did you get up to this weekend? I would love to hear from you.

Help needed again!

I have slipped back into 2nd place in the Best Book by a debut M/M author list over on goodreads. I am just one point adrift, please take a moment to vote for me if you haven't already done so! :)

Best M/M Book By a Debut Author - Vote here!