Saturday 28 September 2013

Welcome ,Kim Fielding, writer of wonderful m/m novels

Today I am playing host to my very first guest. Thank you, Kim, for agreeing to being my 'guinea-pig'! I have known Kim through her writing for several years now, and we have also met in person, so I am delighted to help to promote her lastest novel, The Tin Box.


Thank you, Raine, for letting me visit today!


My novel The Tin Boxwas just released. One of the main characters, William Lyon, is an introvert. He enjoys being alone. He tends to feel awkward in social situations, especially when he doesn’t know the other people well. He’s very analytical.


I’m an introvert too. No huge surprise there—probably most writers fit neatly in that category. We like to observe, to think about things, to take the time to express ourselves precisely.


But being an introvert isn’t the same as being a hermit, and it doesn’t mean we cower in corners. My day job is university professor, which means I routinely stand up and speak for long periods of time to large groups of people—sometimes over 100—and I feel perfectly comfortable doing so. I even enjoy it.  And I love having conversations with friends, often intense conversations. I can talk all night. But eventually I am going to need some alone time to recharge.


I have had the great pleasure of meeting quite a few other authors, including the delightful Raine, who played tour guide for my daughter and me in Cambridge (England, not Massachusetts) a couple years ago. And you know what? It turns out authors are a fun lot to hang out with—especially after a drink or two. In the end, though, I think we all end up back on our computers or clutching our pencils, scribbling away in solitude. And that’s the way we like it.


Despite his introverted personality, William still needs friendship and love. But coming to terms with his sexuality is a difficult process for him too. So it’s fortunate that he meets extraverted Colby Anderson. And it’s also fortunate that William discovers letters written by a man committed to a mental hospital in the 1930s for being gay. William will always value his alone time—but perhaps the letters and Colby can help him find happiness too.


The Tin Box is available from Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, and all major booksellers.


Please follow Kim on Twitter @KFieldingWrites

Or friend her on Facebook

Or visit her blog




William Lyon's past forced him to become someone he isn't. Conflicted and unable to maintain the charade, he separates from his wife and takes a job as caretaker at a former mental hospital. Jelley’s Valley State Insane Asylum was the largest mental hospital in California for well over a century, but it now stands empty. William thinks the decrepit institution is the perfect place to finish his dissertation and wait for his divorce to become final. In town, William meets Colby Anderson, who minds the local store and post office. Unlike William, Colby is cute, upbeat, and flamboyantly out. Although initially put off by Colby’s mannerisms, William comes to value their new friendship, and even accepts Colby's offer to ease him into the world of gay sex.

William’s self-image begins to change when he discovers a tin box, hidden in an asylum wall since the 1940s. It contains letters secretly written by Bill, a patient who was sent to the asylum for being homosexual. The letters hit close to home, and William comes to care about Bill and his fate. With Colby’s help, he hopes the words written seventy years ago will give him courage to be his true self.


Monday 23 September 2013

Hosting my first guest.

On September 28th I will be hosting my first ever guest on my blog. The wonderful author Kim Fielding. (

Sunday 22 September 2013

A beautiful day...

After the temperatures recently taking a rather sudden and sharp downturn it was lovely to wake up to a really beautiful day. The reason we Brits talk about the weather so much is that it varies so often and so rapidly. Earlier in the week my mare and foal spent a couple of nights in their stable due to the cold and wet, yet today it was gloriously warm and sunny!

I walked my faithful writing companion, my little terrier, round the local area this afternoon and I am not sure which of us enjoyed it more. :) I am now looking out the window of my cottage at clouds tinged pink by the sunset.

When England gets the weather right, it really gets it right. :)

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Recent good review for Out of Left Field.

I thought I would share a review I spotted on Goodreads for my short story, Out of Left Field. I agree with the criticisms as writing short stories isn't natural to me - they tend to be long one! But I specifically wrote this story in the hope that it would fit the call for submissions for Dreamspinner Press's Daily Dose anthology 2013.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Is it cheeky?

A little while ago, I bumped into a neighbour (an older lady) I hadn't seen for some time and so we had a little chat. I mentioned that Out of Left Field my m/m romance short story had been published. She asked what it was about and so I told her and to be honest I was surprised at her response, as I know m/m is not to everyone's taste. She immediately asked if it was on Amazon and said she would buy it when I told her it was.

I then saw her today and she informed me that she had bought the book and was looking forward to reading it. I got a bit pink as it is still new to me for people to be buying my work to read, but she misinterpreted it and asked if the book was 'cheeky'. I grinned and said it was a little bit cheeky, to which she replied with a twinkle in her eye, "I like cheeky!". I added, "You do know it is boys being cheeky?" And got a gleeful nod in reply! :) 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Red Kites fighting over their breakfast

I saw an amazing sight on the way into work this morning. A group of five red kites were circling overhead watching two others which were sqabbling in the road over a dead rabbit. As I approached these two made me stop the car. One of them managed to pick up the rabbit and began to fly away. It kept only a yard or so off the ground and flew down the centre of the road until it dropped it after a hundred yards or so and then it landed on the grass verge and glared at me as I drove past.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Back to work...

Well, after being off work on leave since 21st August I have to head in tomorrow. I really could get used to just doing what I want with my day, instead of stuck in an office for eight hours a day! 

It's been a nice break though. Saw Green Day at the O2 Academy, Brixton, took my foal to a show where she got a championship award, helped another friend with her young horse at its first show, learned that my novella will be published by Dreamspinner Press and got several thousand words into my next story.

Only thing that didn't really get done was the house work! Oops!